(Official Journal Website of Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria)

(Official Journal Website of Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria)
Author Guidelines and Preparing For Manuscript Submissions
The Journal of Forestry Research and Management is meant to provide a broad overview of current trends, developments and practices in forestry research and management. The journal accommodates previously unpublished articles in any of the following areas: Forestry, Agroforestry, Environmental management, Forest management, Forest administration, Forest policy and law, Forest Economics and Sociology, Forest Mechanization, Tree physiology, Forest Waste Utilization, Forest Tree Improvement, Forest Biology, Forestry and Environment, wildlife Research and management, Watershed Management, Forest Product utilization, Forest Ecology, Forest Resources Conservation, Forest Extension and Education, Agro-climatology, Silviculture, Seed handling and Storage, Forest Soil, Plant Nutrition and Related Disciplines.
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Tree physiology, Seed handling and Storage, Forest soil, Plant nutrition and Horticulture.
Environmental management, Forest management, Forest administration, Forest policy and law, Forest Economics and Sociology
Watershed management, Forest product utilization, Forest ecology, Forest resources conservation, Forest extension and education and Agro-climatology