(Official Journal Website of Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria)

(Official Journal Website of Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria)
The Journal of Forestry Research and Management is meant to provide a broad overview of current trends, developments and practices in forestry research and management. The journal accommodates previously unpublished articles in any of the following areas: Forestry, Agroforestry, Environmental management, Forest management, Forest administration, Forest policy and law, Forest Economics and Sociology, Forest Mechanization, Tree physiology, Forest Waste Utilization, Forest Tree Improvement, Forest Biology, Forestry and Environment, wildlife Research and management, Watershed Management, Forest Product utilization, Forest Ecology, Forest Resources Conservation, Forest Extension and Education, Agro-climatology, Silviculture, Seed handling and Storage, Forest Soil, Plant Nutrition and Related Disciplines.
The journal shall be published quarterly in one calendar year. The submission of articles to the journal implies that they have not been concurrently submitted for submission elsewhere.
In writing articles to be submitted for publication in the Journal of Forestry Research and Management, authors should keep to the following guidelines: Language: The official language of the Journal is English. Format: Articles must be typewritten in double line spacing on A4-sized paper. Microsoft Word should be used with Times New Roman font size 12. Major headlines should be capitalized, bold and centralized. Sub-headings should not be numbered and should be in lower case letter (except for the first letter), left justified and bold and not more than 12 pages. Title Page: This should bear the title of the articles, the name(s) and address (es) of the author(s), the abstract and the key words. Names of authors and their addresses should be in small letters, Where there are two or more authors, the one to whom correspondence should be sent should be indicated at the bottom of the first page if different from the first author. Use an asterisk for the indication. The telephone number and/or the e-mail address should be included. Title: The title should be clear, concise and specific; it should follow the instruction for major heading. Where a species name appears in the title, its common name should come first, followed by its scientific name in brackets E.g. Ogbono (Irvingia wombolu). The title should not exceed 20 words
This should not exceed 250 words. It should adequately reflect the content of the paper and should be able to stand on its own Key words: They should not exceed 6 and should come after the abstract. They should be in small letter. Text: It should be organized in sections under appropriate short headings such as Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, References and Acknowledgement (if available). Table/Figures: Tables and figures should be placed in appropriate places of the text as cited. Each table/figure should be numbered consecutively using Arabic and properly cited. They must all be cited in the text. The table menu in the Microsoft Word should be used for the processing of tables. Originals of scanned figures should be enclosed in the paper to be submitted. A table should not have vertical lines. Horizontal lines should be restricted to column titles and the totals. For maps and photo-microgragh, includes the scales applicable. Equations: All equation and formulae used in the text should be numbered and the notations explained. E.g. C = f/d………………………(1) fd where C = coefficient of flexibility of fibres f/d = fibre lumen diameter fd = fibre diameter Foot notes: They should NOT be used except to indicate the corresponding author if different from the first author Conclusion: All paper should end with concluding remarks based on the contents of the paper. It should have no references. References: Citing of references in the text and in the list of reference should be as follows: (A) In the text: (i) Articles with one author Badejo (2001) as appropriate. (ii) Articles with two authors: Adio and Asinwa (1997) or Adio and Asinwa, 1997. (iii) Articles with three or more authors: Ige, et.al., 1998 or Ige, et.al., (1998) (B) In list of references: (i) The list should be indented under the 5th letter of the author’s name. (ii) Citing Journals: Use, where appropriate, only recognized acronyms/abbreviation for the Journal e.g. Badejo, S.O.O (1989). Influence of pre-treatment temperature and additive concentration on the properties of cement bonded particle board from plantation-grown tropical hard wood. Trop. Sc. 29: 285-296. (iii) Citing books: The title of the book should be italicized as shown below Kaay, R.W. J. (1975). An Outline of Nigerian vegetation, 3rd ed. (iv) Citing edited proceeding: The name of the proceedings is italicized as shown below: Ige, P.O and Adesoye, P.O (2014). Modelling diameter distributions of a tropical natural forest in south west Nigeria using Beta distribution function. In: Sudano-Sahelian Landscape and Renewable Natural Resources Development in Nigeria (Ogunsanwo O.Y; Akinwole A.O; Azeez I.O; Adekunle V.A.J and Adewole N.A. – Editors). Proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference of the Forestry Association of Nigeria held in Mina, Niger State, 9th – 14th November, 2014, pp 167 – 183. (v) Citing conference presentations: An example is shown below Somade, A.F (1999). Effect of Storage on seedling Growth and Biomass Accumulation of Mansonia altisma. Paper presented at the 2nd Annual Conference of Association of Women in Forestry & Environment, 6th Nov., 2012, FRIN, 20pp.
Submit manuscript online (follow the upload links provided on the website) or e-mail attachment to frinjournal@gmail.com or frinjournal@yahoo.com and copy shola4delord@yahoo.com and israelasinwa@gmail.com to facilitate quick proceeding. Review fee: A non-refundable fee of Three Thousand Naira (N3,000.00) only is charged for the review of each article. This should be paid into the Journal Account stated bellow and the scan copy of the teller should be forwarded along with the manuscript to the above E-mails. Publication Charges: A Publication fee of Twelve Thousand Naira (N12,000.00) only is charged for the publication of any manuscript that has been reviewed and accepted for publication in this Journal. This should be paid into the Journal Account as stated bellow and the scan copy of the teller should be forwarded along with the corrected manuscript.
BANK: Sterling Bank
ACCOUNT NO: 0054294492.
ACCOUNT NAME: Journal of Forestry Research and Management.